Converting to Natural Gas from Home Heating Oil
More and more homeowners are switching from oil to natural gas for their home heating energy. Adding natural gas to a home’s energy availability comes with a host of benefits including energy savings, reducing your carbon footprint, and making the home more flexible.
Generally speaking, it’s more cost-effective to heat a home with natural gas. It burns cleaner and more completely than oil, therefore it’s more efficient. It is not as subject to price fluctuations as oil; plus, natural gas companies and some cities often offer rebates to update a home or switch existing appliances to natural gas. The switch can, and usually does save money in the long run. In most areas of the Northeast, heating a home with natural gas costs about half that of natural gas—prices vary, of course, across regions and with different types of home heating equipment and construction conditions.
Before jumping into natural gas
One of the first things to consider when thinking about switching to gas is if there is a gas line already piped to your home or if there is a mainline available in your neighborhood. A simple check with neighbors or contacting a local natural gas utility will provide a quick answer. In older neighborhoods, it’s common that mainlines were installed after your home was built. If your home is not connected with natural gas already, utility companies may run a line to your home for free with only a one-time charge for the meter. But depending on the location of the mainline, you may incur some installation costs.
If your home already has a gas meter, the next step is to simply see if there are pipes leading to your furnace area and then you also need to notify your local utility company to start the service if you choose to install natural gas equipment and appliances. Don’t worry, we can walk you through this process and do an initial check for you.
Once a gas line has been established, Temp Control can consult and help you convert and/or replace your existing or aging heating equipment to run natural gas. We will add pipes, secure the connections, and make sure all equipment is compatible and operating a peak performance so you get the most out of your new gas furnace.
Furthermore, outfitting a home with natural gas also adds flexibility and value to the home. Other appliances like clothing dryers, ovens, cooktops, and water heaters can be operated with natural gas. This makes the home more attractive to potential buyers and offers you more options when it comes to purchasing those appliances.
You also want to consider the price of switching equipment. Converting furnaces or other appliances to natural gas generally comes with up-front purchasing and installation costs of new equipment. The trade-off comes with the long-term savings on bills and maintenance and knowing you are doing your part to reduce your carbon footprint by switching from oil. Also, many utility companies will offer rebates to help you purchase new equipment; additionally, the new appliances that run natural gas are significantly more efficient than appliances that are even 10 years old.
The benefits of converting to natural gas
Many positives come from operating natural gas beyond the simple cost savings. Natural gas requires less maintenance than oil and oil furnaces can require a fair amount of maintenance and cleaning. While natural gas is still a carbon-based fuel, it releases less carbon emissions than oil and it’s abundant. The domestic supply of natural gas has grown tremendously over the past few years and has made the United States the number one producer of natural gas in the world. So its supply is stable for years to come.
Also, natural gas is a safe and reliable energy source. There is no scheduling of deliveries or regular cleaning of tanks or furnaces. Gas is also a great alternative for cooking or heating when electricity power outages occur. Even when the power is out, you can still get a hot shower, cook food, or warm your home. Even connecting a gas grill outdoors becomes an alternative for cooking. And finally, natural gas is convenient. It is available on-demand. The supply of gas comes from an underground pipeline that means you’ll have a virtually endless supply—unlike heating oil. The supply of natural gas is not easily disrupted either. There are few natural disasters, beyond earthquakes (rare in New Jersey) that can disrupt service.
Calling Temp Control can be your first step to converting your home to natural gas. Our professionals will inspect your current system, examine your home, and consult with you on your energy needs as well as your options for converting or replacing any equipment so you can modernize and save money for the long haul.
If you are considering converting to natural gas, contact us about a free assessment.